There was a typo on the football flyer sent home. The time is 6:30-7:30 PM. The dates are correct. Sorry for the confusion. Go Tigers!

ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK TODAY! The deadline is quickly approaching.
Deadline to order is March 1st.
Use this link to order: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1040124/Commerce-Middle-School/

TODAY is the LAST DAY to order a yearbook. We will only have an extremely limited number of yearbooks to sell at the end of the year. Your student is not guaranteed to have a yearbook unless you order by the end of the day today.

We're excited to kickstart a Summer Reading Book Drive to ensure that ALL of our students receive a book to dive into over the summer! Reading during the summer is a great way to keep kids engaged and help them grow.
We are asking for donations of new or gently used books for students of all ages. Your generous contribution will help provide every student with a book they can enjoy during the break!
📦 How You Can Help:
Donate a book (or several!) 📚
Share this post with friends and family 🧑🤝🧑
Spread the word to make sure we reach our goal!
Together, we can make sure every student has a book in hand for their summer adventure! Thank you for your support! 🌟
For more information, please contact Kendal O'Lenick at kendal.olenick@ commercecityschools.org

We need YOUR input to help us make our school even better! Please take a few minutes to complete the Family Climate Survey at the link below. Your feedback will help us identify both the strengths and areas where we can improve.
Your voice matters, and together we can make a positive difference for our students! Thank you for being an important part of our school community!

Congratulations to this week's Terrific Tigers! These students have exhibited positive character traits or exemplary academic performance. Do your best and the next Terrific Tiger might be you!

8th Grade Parents: we had an incident today where we had a student write an unsubstantiated threat against 8 students in a bathroom stall. We are calling the parents of those 8 students. Out of an abundance of caution, we will have an increased law enforcement presence on campus Monday. All 8th graders will have restricted backpack access in all classes out of precaution. Please talk with students about the seriousness of making threats against other students and the consequences of their actions. They will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Parents: CMS doors will open for students at 9:15. If your child rides a bus, the pickup time tomorrow will be approximately 2 hours later than normal. For example, if your child normally gets picked up at 7, then the bus is going to try and arrive at 9.

FCA will meet in the gym this Friday morning at 7:20. As always, we will have a guest speaker and breakfast will be provided.

Congratulations to the 8th grade Students of the Month for December!
ELA: Brooke is hardworking and determined to bring excellence to every assignment she has.
Math: Kristen is a fabulous student! She completes all her work on time and does well academically. She strives to always do her best.
SS: Britton is a terrific student who understands what we're doing each day and is enthusiastic about learning more about history.
SC: Joshua is an awesome student! He not only works hard but always shows a genuine interest in learning and a willingness to help others.
ELA Applications: Ryan has become such a fantastic student, and has shown so much growth in maturity, responsibility and academics.
Math Applications: Quanzee is diligent in his work, always willing to volunteer and participate, and is committed to giving his best effort.
Connections: Colby is one of the hardest-working students in his weight training class!

Congratulations to the 7th grade Students of the Month for December!
ELA: Lindley strives for excellence in everything she does and is also a great self-advocate, always asking for ways in which she can improve.
Math: Savannah works hard every day and is always willing to help others.
SS: Julia excels in Social Studies; she is very hard working and is a great influence on everyone around her!
SC: Bryce is the epitome of diligence and hard work, always listening and trying his best.
ELA Applications: Andy is persistent with his education and always goes above and beyond to make sure he is completing his work on time.
Math Applications: Christian consistently goes above and beyond in class. He works hard, is dependable, and does everything that is asked of him.
Connections: An sets an example for her peers by consistently coming to class prepared, helping others, staying motivated and on-task, and always doing what is expected.

Congratulations to the 6th grade Students of the Month for December!
ELA: Mikayla works hard in class and has a clear passion for ELA.
Math: Brayden works hard in math, asks questions when something is unclear, and is eager to help!
SS: Ayden works so hard in Social Studies, participates in class, and makes sure to always complete his work and do a great job!
SC: Sofi always gives her best effort, participates in class, and is kind to everyone.
ELA Applications: Ethan is consistently a role model for his peers. He is respectful, works hard, and always focused on being the best he can be. (Not pictured)
Math Applications: Jackson is a model student who consistently does the right thing. He is always prepared and on task!
Connections: Willow is a great contributor in Ag class, and she had an incredibly inspiring service project for her SAE this semester! (Not pictured)

Congratulations to the 5th grade Students of the Month for December!
ELA: Luanna is an amazing reader and writer who always does her best and shares insightful ideas in class!
ELA: Caly works hard every day in class and on her daily assignments. She is always ready to participate in class discussions and activities.
Math: Sara is a great student who is hardworking, compassionate, and strives to be her best everyday. She is a joy to teach and others see her as a role model and good friend.
Math: Paisley is a silent leader. She truly leads by example and does her very best every day. Thank you, Paisley!
SS: Ceily always comes in with a great attitude! She has a love for learning and an even bigger love for making her school better by her service as a FCA leader. She is an all around outstanding young lady.
SC: Gentri is a great role model for her classmates. She works hard, pays attention, helps others, and has a positive attitude.

Welcome back CMS Students! We can't wait to see you tomorrow and begin another exciting semester! Make sure you bundle up this week as it is going to be cold! We will report to home room, as usual and teachers will have schedules for students 2nd semester. A reminder parents that progress reports go home tomorrow. You will find stapled to it your child's math and ELA IReady Mid-Year Diagnostic Reports. Please take some time reviewing the reports with your child. Please sign the progress report ONLY and return it to the child's homeroom teacher. Let's have a great 2nd semester!

Did you know CMS allows up to 7 parents notes for each student for whatever reason the parent sees fit? Don't forget all students who earned their IReady Reward Day Off have an excused absence tomorrow and they received tickets to show their growth! Merry Christmas to all our CMS families!

First Baptist Church of Commerce members generously donated coats for our students. They were delivered by Jennifer Sanders!
Thank you so much for your support of our students!

The CMS PTO Dance is tomorrow from 1:30-3. Admission is $3 and goes to pay for rewards for kids. We are still short about 30 2-liter drinks. If you feel like donating, it would be appreciated. Look for an email today with dress-up theme days for next week as we count down to Christmas break!

As we move into the winter season and temperatures drop, we want to ensure every child has a warm coat. If your child needs a jacket and you need some assistance, CMS is here to help! Please call our counselor, Ms. Imani Wheeler, at (706)335-5594 and she can assist you. We want all of our students to have a warm holiday season.

It’s Scholastic Book Fair time! From Monday, December 16th- Friday, December 20th, 2024, come experience the excitement! Every purchase benefits our school. Learn more about our Book Fair and set up your eWallet account here: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/commercemiddleschool1
Thank you for your support! Happy reading!

Congratulations to the 8th grade Students of the Month for November!
ELA: Colt always brings fun to the classroom and always strives to do his best.
Math: Adrianna is always responsible with getting her work completed and eager to receive advanced concepts to exceed the standards taught.
SS: Elizabeth is insightful, dedicated, and enthusiastic each day about what we are learning and doing in Georgia Studies.
SC: Yana is always polite, works hard, and has a positive impact on those around her.
ELA Applications: Sofia is eager to learn and is always putting in her best effort.
Math Applications: Addison always works diligently, gives her best effort, and brings a positive attitude to the classroom.
Connections: Preston is a consistent positive influence in my class. He does everything asked of him and seems to keep other classmates enjoying what we are doing.